Bartlesville High School’s Brittany Lima
By Trina Walker
Brittney Lima is a second-year teacher, making her mark on Bartlesville High School students. “As a teacher, anytime a student learns a new concept or skill they were struggling with, it feels rewarding. When I see the moment it clicks in their mind and they smile, that is everything!” she exclaimed.
Lima wants her Spanish I students to take an interest in other cultures. She reciprocates by taking an interest in her student’s activities. “I enjoy seeing my students shine playing the sports they love. Not all students are confident in Spanish class but on the field or court, they are different kids. They are bold, strong, team players. I love cheering them on in their element.
“ ”“A student-athlete represents their school well when they bring their best to the game. Their best attitude, their best effort, their best sportsmanship! If they are doing that then they will make Bartlesville High School proud no matter the result of the game,” Lima said.
“Welcome home” is a common greeting in Lima’s classroom. Her goal is for each student to feel safe and cared for. “That’s a feeling I want them to have when they walk into my classroom,” she says.
All her students have different stories and backgrounds. “I have learned that what my students need most from me, is to show that I care. If I am genuine, if I keep smiling then they will trust me and we will make it through the year together,” says Lima.
Lima laughs when she says the last day of school is her best memory. “We had made it through the school year, finished the last finals and I just got to enjoy playing UNO with some of my students while we waited for the year to finally end. We had all bonded over the course of the school year and accomplished some pretty great things!” she exclaimed.
She and her husband have two children in elementary school. “I enjoy bringing my family to cheer on my students at their plays or sporting events. It makes me happy because both are a huge part of my day-to-day reality,” she says.
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