VYPE: How long have you played your sport, and what first got you interested in cheer?
Abigail Scamahorn: I have been in cheer for six years! My first interest in cheer was when I was very little. My parents put me on the Tiny Might cheer team in my hometown. I found my way back to cheer in Bartlesville when I saw a flyer for the middle school team in the school hallway!
VYPE: In your opinion, what is the best part about playing sports in high school?
AS: The thrill and excitement while doing your sport.
VYPE: What is your favorite memory competing?
AS: My favorite memory of competing was this past November at our regional competition. It was the best I have done on a regionals mat. I was not only proud of myself but also my team’s performance.
VYPE: Do you have a favorite aspect of cheer?
AS: I really love football season, especially seeing the hype after our football team wins a game.
VYPE: What motivates you to be your best?
AS: My passion for cheer. I’ve worked really hard over the past six years and my passion is what has kept me going. I want to make my family and my coaches proud.
VYPE: What does character mean to you, in or out of sports? Why is it important?
AS: To me character means who you are inside and out, and I think it is important to show in practice and outside of practice because you never know how someone’s day is going. Be there for your teammates on the mat and off the mat.
VYPE: Is there anyone you look up to as a role model, and why?
AS: A role model I look up to would be BVC Alum, Sam. Sam was on the varsity team when I was in middle school, and she was always there for me and was pushing me to be my best. I looked up to her athleticism and her passion for cheer.
VYPE: What other activities are you in and what are your plans after high school?
AS: Currently I am just involved in cheer and focusing on my senior year! My plans after high school are to go into Nursing. I want to attend OU’s school of nursing. My path of getting there is still in planning mode but no matter what that’s what I know I want to accomplish.