Bartlesville’s Leah Gray
By Jinny Baker
VYPE: What grade are you currently in and how long have you been cheering?
Leah Gray: I am currently in is 12th and I have been cheering my whole life both competitive and school cheer.
VYPE: What is your job on the cheer squad?
LG: My job on the cheer squad is a flyer and tumbler.
VYPE: What teammate keeps everyone laughing, who is the most serious, and who has the best impression of your coach?
LG: I would say the teammate that makes everyone laugh is Remi Hagen. The teammate that is the most serious is Kaitlyn Hall. The teammate who has the best impression of the coach is Veronica McGill.
“ ”VYPE: What other groups or clubs are you involved in at school?
LG: I’m not in any other clubs at the school but I do intern at Bartlesville Hope Pediatrics.
VYPE: What do you love most about your teammates?
LG: One thing I love the most about my teammates is when we are having a rough time at practice or a game, we all can come together to make each other laugh and smile.
VYPE: What are your plans after you graduate?
LG: My plan after graduation is to go to college for a major in Speech Pathology.
VYPE: What is your favorite subject in school and who is your favorite teacher?
LG: My favorite subject in school is math and my favorite teacher is Ms. Perry.
VYPE: Who has been a big influence in your life and why?
LG: Someone who has been a big influence in my life would have to be my mom because she is always there supporting me no matter what.
VYPE: What are your favorite pregame and postgame meals?
LG: My favorite pregame meal has to be Chick-fil-A nuggets. My favorite post game meal would have to be a big cheeseburger.
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