Kicking it Around with Bartlesville’s Presli Cox – Presented by RibCrib

VYPE: What grade are you currently in and how long have you been playing soccer?

Presli Cox: I’m currently a sophomore at Bartlesville and I’ve been playing soccer for roughly 12 years.

VYPE: Do you have a favorite place to play and if so, why?

PC: My favorite field to play on would have to be Mohawk fields because I’ve played so many games there and have a lot of soccer memories there.

VYPE: What opponent do you look forward to playing this season?

PC: An opponent I look forward to playing this season would be Bixby.

VYPE: Who is your favorite soccer player?

PC: My favorite soccer player would have to be my older sister because she always challenged me to be better and inspired me to be the best I can be.

VYPE: What position is the toughest to play in soccer?

PC: All positions on the field have their own aspect of difficulty and each position is very important.

VYPE: What position do you play and what position would you like to play?

PC: I play midfield and I quite like playing there, but I will always be open to playing a different position.

VYPE: If you could watch a match anywhere in the world where would you want to go?

PC: If I could watch a match anywhere, I would want to go to Argentina because of the level of play and the fun, professional environment.

VYPE: Who has been a big influence in your life and why?

PC: My dad and mom have been a big influence in my life. They always encourage me and push me to improve. They support me and motivate me to achieve my goals. I also lean on my faith often and have an amazing relationship with Jesus.

VYPE: What are your plans for after graduation?

PC: My plans for graduation have yet to be decided, but I do know that I would love to keep playing soccer at a college level.