Q&A with Claremore’s Daniel Harrington – Baseball Spotlight – Presented by Backwoods Chiropractic

Q&A with Claremore’s Daniel Harrington

VYPE: How long have you played baseball and what is your position?

Daniel Harrington: I’ve been playing baseball for 10 years and I play first base and pitch.

VYPE: What first got you interested in the sport?

DH: Watching the MLB on tv with my dad is what got me interested in it.

VYPE: Do you have a favorite memory in your time playing for Claremore?

DH: My favorite memory in high school is when I hit my first home run as a freshman.

VYPE: Do you have a particular opponent you look forward to playing?

DH: My favorite team to play against is Collinsville. Every time we match up it’s always intense and fun.

VYPE: Let’s talk about your teammates. Which player on your team would you not want to go up against? Who is the fastest? Who keeps everyone laughing?

DH: A player on my team I would not want to face is Marcos Sallee, the fastest player is Brad Hoisington, and the one that keeps everyone laughing is Curtis Waters.

VYPE: Do you have a pre-game hype song?

DH: A song that hypes me up before games is “The one that got away” by Katy Perry.

VYPE: What is your go to post-game meal?

DH: My go to post game meal is grilled nuggets with mac and cheese from Chick-fil-A.

VYPE: Who do you look to as a role model and why?

DH: I look up to my mom as a role model. She’s hardworking, kind, and amazing, and she always makes sure I have everything I need to be successful.

VYPE: What are your plans after high school?

DH: I plan on playing college baseball after high school.