Victoria Gonzales
Grove High School
VYPE: Your coach says you give your team a chance in every game you play. Why is consistency important to your game?
Victoria Gonzales: With my position I have to be consistent. It’s not a “oh I had a bad day,” bad days as a pitcher means my defense can’t do their job, therefore we don’t win games.
VYPE: What type of leadership role do you have on this team, which returns seven starters?
VG: Being a senior, I have a role to feel I have younger ones looking up to me excited for it to be their turn in a few years. I try not to be the “boss” but more of a mentor someone can come to when they need something, no matter how big or small.
VYPE: Who is your favorite pro athlete or someone who inspires you?
VG: Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy professional sports, but I have never had my mind set on a person. . . The person I look up to and the reason I play this sport is because of my sister, Andrea.
VYPE: Which teacher has had the greatest impact on your life?
VG: Through the last four years, I have always been able to go to Alisha Smith. No matter if it was to help with work or if I just needed a break and moment to compose myself.
VYPE: What’s your favorite subject in school?
VG: I genuinely enjoy math.
VYPE: What are your goals for this year and plans for next?
VG: To just enjoy my senior year. It’s the last ride with the girls I have been playing with since we were kids. Next year, though, I play to further my softball career into college while getting my degree in psychology. Where is undecided, but I’m excited for what the future brings.
VYPE: What’s one thing everybody should know about you?
VG: I don’t really have anything in particular that I believe everyone should know. If you watch me on the field, you can tell where my heart lies.
VYPE: Pre-game hype song?
VG: Right now, Swag Surfin’.
VYPE: What’s your favorite color?
VG: Literally any shade of purple.